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The school operates in Bolivia under the Civil Association SCCLC of which South America Mission (SAM) is a founding member. Most staff come to us as missionaries with South America Mission (SAM), World Gospel Mission (WGM), or with TeachBeyond, although you can also apply to work with us under the umbrella of other mission agencies. SAM is non-denominational sending agency of evangelical Baptist and Calvinist traditions. WGM is a nondenominational sending agency of Wesleyan persuasion. TeachBeyond is an agency focused on providing teachers and staff to Christian overseas schools with their doctrine and practice informed by the World Evangelical Alliance.

If you choose to come with one of the above missions, choose the one that has a Statement of Faith you can most closely identify with and write, call, or email the Candidate Secretary of that mission, indicating the position you wish to fill with the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center.

They will supply you with the forms and information you need and will process your application. They will also notify the school of your interest and keep them informed of your progress.

Canadians: both SAM and WGM have offices and/or representatives in Canada. Please contact the U.S. office first, however, since that is each mission’s central office. They in turn will provide you with the name of the person you need to speak to in Canada.


Both career and short term (1-4 years).


You need to be aware that anyone coming to us with one of the owner missions (or just about any other non-denominational mission) will need to raise his/her own support. The school does not pay salaries to its teachers. Each mission has its support requirements. The Candidate Secretary will inform you of what these are.

However, we can help you by writing a letter which you can send to those you think might support you (friends, family, churches, other teachers) to encourage them to take on a portion of your support and explaining the importance of what you will be doing. This can be very effective.


All classes are taught in English. The majority of students live in a Spanish-speaking environment and thus Spanish is required in order to communicate effectively with parents and school staff.


Bachelor’s degree required. Certification with experience preferred but not required. Certification by Association of Christian Schools International is best. (For info on certification, visit Experience without certification acceptable with good references. Very willing to look at applications of newly graduated teachers with an evidenced interest in missionary children’s schools.


A teacher is first and foremost, a minister of the Gospel to his pupils. Our purpose is to first reach those who have not accepted the Lord as their Savior, and secondly, to disciple those who have trusted Him. We do this by teaching the whole Word of God as it touches on every aspect of the curriculum.

A teacher ministers to the missionary community, indirectly through his pupils, and directly by freeing missionary parents to do the work that the Lord has called them to. We believe that the education of the children in a family is the God-given responsibility of the parents. Those parents who put their children in our school delegate that responsibility to us, and we seek to fulfill that responsibility by providing a well-rounded education thoroughly integrated with God’s Word as it applies to every area. By making it possible for other ministries to take place and grow, the teacher plays a direct part in those other ministries. This is truly a blessing! It has been shown that from 25 to 50% of the missionary force would not be on the field today if it were not for the presence of the missionary children’s’ schools!

A teacher ministers to a segment of the national community that few missionaries are ever able to reach. Because of the high costs of our school and the requirement that all students be able to speak English, the national students tend to come from wealthy Bolivian families. Most of these are Roman Catholic or agnostic, would never set foot in a church door to attend an evangelistic crusade and could not be reached with door-to-door evangelism. Yet they desire a moral education for their children, and the Lord enables our teachers to reach into hitherto closed homes with the Gospel through their children. Each year many of the students have come to know the Lord and have evidenced it by exhibiting real change in their lives. They become God’s ambassadors to their own homes.

Studies have shown that a majority of missionary children enter full-time Christian service later in life, due in no small part to their training in schools like ours. Thus the teacher is a long-range contributor to the future!

Since teaching here is a ministry, not a job, we have found that the student response to teaching is a more satisfactory one than our teachers have experienced elsewhere. Parents are generally very cooperative in the teaching experience wherever necessary.

2024-2025 NEEDS

Teachers and Staff

Middle School Math Teacher – Job Description

Teacher Assistant – Job Description